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How to handle JSON data in JavaScript


JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a way to represent data through text. It exists as a String and it supports all the basic data types that are supported by a standard JavaScript object. As per Wikipedia, the definition goes -

JSON (JavaScript Object Notation, pronounced /ˈsən/; also /ˈˌsɒn/) is an open standard file format, and data interchange format, that uses human-readable text to store and transmit data objects consisting of attribute–value pairs and array data types (or any other serializable value).

Reference: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/JSON

Note - I am putting my JavaScript Developer study notes here

There are two methods that I will be discussing in this post. 


This method is used to deserialize or convert a JSON string into a JavaScript object. This is highly used while accessing the external API/server response. In the below example, I am converting a string to a JavaScript object using the parse method. You can use the dot (.) to access the individual items in the object.


const jsonString = `
"name":"Sudipta Deb",

const jsonObject = JSON.parse(jsonString);


name: 'Sudipta Deb',
country: 'Canada',
favouriteCars: [ 'Honda', 'BMW' ],
employed: true
Sudipta Deb


This method is used to serialize or convert a JavaScript object into a JSON string. This is highly used before transferring data to an external API/server. In the below example, I am converting the above JavaScript object to a string using the stringify method. 


const jsonString = `
"name":"Sudipta Deb",

const jsonObject = JSON.parse(jsonString);

const jsonAsSerialized = JSON.stringify(jsonObject);


{"name":"Sudipta Deb","country":"Canada","favouriteCars":["Honda","BMW"],"employed":true}

Here is the youtube video

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